πŸ“‘ Tron Repeaters

A place to gather and post information about Tron repeaters in the great πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US of A.

πŸ”— Links

πŸ‘‚ Who am I hearing

So you’re hearing people talking on what’s called a GMRS repeater. Most likely and more specifically, a "Tron repeater" which are GMRS repeaters owned by one particular individual.

GMRS stands for General Mobile Radio Service, which is basically a set of channels for folks to communicate over walkie-talkies.

Tron is a popular buzz word in radio which typically stands for Electron. The Tron repeaters are owned by one individual.

The repeater you’re listening to works like a signal boosterβ€”someone talks, the repeater picks it up, and then rebroadcasts it so others farther away can hear. It’s like a group chat, but over radio waves.

GMRS does require a license, but once you have it, you can join in, talk to friends or family, and enjoy a much wider range than regular walkie-talkies.

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πŸŽ™οΈ I want to talk

To transmit on frequencies within the 462–467 MHz range under the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires individuals to obtain a GMRS license.

Even though it's essentially a two step process, you're going to be working with the government website... πŸ˜† have fun.
  1. Obtain an FRN from the FCC Universal Licensing System
    • ⏳ wait for FRN approval...
  2. Apply for GMRS license

A very well documented guide already exists, please use it:
πŸ“„ full online guide here
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🧠 Thought Process

The Tron repeaters, amongst other things, are a gateway into radio for many folks. Some Tron repeaters overlap with family walky talky frequencies and this leads to curious listeners wanting to talk on GMRS. This website is aimed at being a gateway-of-knowledge for those folks who may have stumbled onto GMRS radio and are wanting to learn more.

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πŸ—“οΈ Virtual Meetup

In the world of free communication, virtual meetups are the πŸ”₯ campfire where ideas spark, πŸ’¬ stories flow, and ⚑️ connections ignite.

The owner of this website is working with Tron radio friends, to considering hosting a bi-monthly virtual meetup on Google Meet.

We would talk about such things as:

  1. ℹ️ General radio help
  2. πŸ•Ί Show off setups such as base stations and roof antennas
  3. πŸ’¬ Review the quality of radio both audible quality and interference issues
  4. 🌎 Connect with other Tron users from other areas

⬇️ Let us know your thoughts, by using the link below:

provide interest
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πŸ“‘ Listed Repeaters

Below are public listed repeaters as they are found on MyGMRS.com. Once you have a call sign, you can login to MyGMRS.com and perform additional actions including requesting access to transmit on the repeaters.

Name Alias Freq. Range
Boca 462.575
offset by 5.075 to 467.650
60 miles
Coral Springs 462.725 35 miles
Pompano FTL2 462.675 25 miles
Fort Lauderdale FTL1 462.625 30 miles
Naples 462.725 60 miles
Fort Myers 462.600 70 miles

πŸ‘€ Always see MyGMRS.com website for the most up to date information.

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πŸ§“ πŸ‘·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ 🧍 It's public radio

  • FCC has its rules
  • Many parents have radios. πŸ‘Ά Kids can be listening.
  • If you hate the 🌎 world, be the start of a better one by not perpetuating the hate (make it end with you!).
  • Do not perpetuate negativity nor attempt to ruin radio. Just because you can doesn't mean you should
  • FCC performs auditing of transmissions.
  • Anyone can file a FCC report. Please avoid doing so. It may ultimately result in repeaters being taken down. However, no one should spread hate and threats and if you feel the need to, please report your complaint to the FCC.
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    ℹ️ Communication Help

  • ☝️ Only one person can talk at a time, that's just how it works.
  • πŸ‘‚ When you hear odd/weird digital scrambling, it typically means multiple people are trying to speak.
  • πŸ’¬ Try saying "comment" to get into a conversation. And wait to be accepted in. Typically, the last person speaking is the person who gives permission for comment to come in.
  • πŸ’¨ When you are in a back-to-back fast conversation, take a break or mention "taking a break for comments". Taking a break is nice so you can relax back for a bit.
  • πŸ”’ Recommend turning on Busy Channel Lockout (BCL), on your radio, to prevent yourself from talking when someone else is talking. You will be slower to respond but you won't bring down the conversation by accidentally jamming over it.
  • πŸ— Try to have something to say to get into a conversation, avoid breaking in for a radio check.
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    🚨 Emergencies

  • Learn more about transmitting during emergencies, such as "can I transmit without a call sign during an emergency?"
  • FCC unauthorized operation documentation
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    🌎 MyGMRS
  • The most up to date and best resource for finding repeaters and properly asking for permission to use them.
  • Requires you to have an FCC call sign to perform most activities
  • Much public information here even without a callsign.
  • Website link to MyGMRS.com
  • 🌎 The map feature is outstanding
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    πŸ“» Speaking of Radios (FAQ)

    We talk a lot about radios, on the radio.

    If you've never bought a radio or at least not recently, you may have a lot of questions for recommendations.

    Here are some of the commonly asked questions and answers:

  • Q: What is a cheap radio to get started?
  • A: The "TIDRADIO H3" is leading the way on 2025 conversations. It is a low cost product that will take you far and certainly will get you on Tron repeaters.

  • Q: What antenna should I buy for getting started?
  • A: Make sure it's for GMRS. The whip styles are very clear. Antenna should say "GMRS" on the antenna or the product lists it's frequency range and check that range covers 462.000 - 467.999
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    πŸ™… ❌ 😡 Dealing with Jamming

    πŸ‘‚ When you hear odd/weird digital scrambling for long periods of time AND often you also hear audio transmissions unrelated to a conversation THEN:

  • 🀐 Try to minimize mention of it. Giving attention to a jammer fuels the jamming.
  • Often a reference to Bob Marley or saying "we jammin" is a way toget the word out softly that someone is 🀑 clowning around and jamming.
  • Not everyone gets jammed part 1. If you are told you are being jammed, hang out on the side for a while and do not talk.
  • Not everyone gets jammed part 2. If you are not being jammed, act like no jamming is occurring and do not give mention to it.
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    πŸ“§ Make Contact

    Instead of giving your information out over the radio you can use this website as a sort of message dispatch.

    For now, just mention this website instead of your personal info and the email below can (often) help make connection.

    πŸ‘‰ Both parties should email me@ackerapple.com and mention trying to make contact with other party.

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    πŸ’¬ A message to radio Eric

    You and your contributions are appreciated. We hope your hopes for these repeaters, are making there way on through. Thank you so very kindly and humbly for your craft.
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    πŸ’¬ A message to the β›ˆοΈ weather man, πŸ”₯ the bob marleys, and the πŸ”’ key punchers:

    "Make your voice heard"

    Bob Marley Jammin
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    ℹ️ Extra Info

    Website bought and paid for by Acker Apple. Tron repeaters are not owned or associated with Acker Apple in any way.

    Do you develop software and would you like to contribute to this website? 🐱 Github link here